with Maureen Geoghegan, CAE
Joining us on the 6 Degrees of Associations Podcast this week to discuss the modern-day challenges and opportunities of marketing in associations is Maureen Geoghegan, CAE. Maureen currently serves as Chief Membership and Communications Officer with the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). Before joining ASA, Maureen also spent more than a decade working in marketing for the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS).
In today’s episode, as we learn when it comes to marketing, your brand needs to be looked at as your promise, so don’t break it! In this age of automation, shrinking attention spans, and more, Maureen and our host, Lucas McCann, chat about the opportunities such an environment brings to those of us working in the association space and how marketing to members and potential members needs to be adjusted to keep up with the times.