with Matthew R. D’Uva, FASAE, CAE
In the latest episode of the 6 Degrees of Associations Podcast, we’re talking with Matthew R. D’Uva, FASAE, CAE, the Chief Executive Officer of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD). Matthew discusses his professional journey as an association executive and how he brings a blue-collar mindset to a white-collar workplace.
Matthew’s background in association management and nonprofit work has defined his career. Growing up in a close-knit, working-class community in Connecticut, he developed a profound sense of community and giving back. This upbringing laid the foundation for his passion for association management, where building connections is essential.
Matthew’s leadership style is deeply influenced by his blue-collar roots. He values unity, teamwork, and good old-fashioned hard work. As a CEO, Matthew focuses on balancing the business aspects of association management with a larger purpose of making a positive impact on society. He’s passionate about the synergy between running a business and making a social impact.